Akka Interop
Akka Interop gives you the ability to send and receive messages between zio actors and akka typed actors.
To use Akka Interops you need in your build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
libraryDependencies += "dev.zio" %% "zio-actors-akka-interop" % "0.0.0+1-16e9d9e5-SNAPSHOT"
Imports required for example:
import zio.actors.Actor.Stateful
import zio.actors.{ ActorSystem, ActorRef, Context, Supervisor }
import zio.actors.akka.{ AkkaTypedActor, AkkaTypedActorRefLocal }
import zio.{ IO, Runtime }
import akka.actor.typed
import akka.actor.typed.Behavior
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Behaviors
import akka.actor.typed.Scheduler
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Case class for messages that zio actor send and receive from akka actor:
sealed trait TypedMessage[+_]
case class PingToZio(zioReplyToActor: ActorRef[ZioMessage], msg: String) extends TypedMessage[Unit]
case class PingFromZio(zioSenderActor: ActorRef[ZioMessage]) extends TypedMessage[Unit]
sealed trait ZioMessage[+_]
case class PongFromAkka(msg: String) extends ZioMessage[Unit]
case class Ping(akkaActor: AkkaTypedActorRefLocal[TypedMessage]) extends ZioMessage[Unit]
For zio actor basics, (Basics section).
Here's the Stateful
implementation for our zio actor:
val handler = new Stateful[Any, String, ZioMessage] {
override def receive[A](state: String, msg: ZioMessage[A], context: Context): IO[Throwable, (String, A)] =
msg match {
case PongFromAkka(msg) => IO.succeed((msg, ()))
case Ping(akkaActor) =>
for {
self <- context.self[ZioMessage]
_ <- akkaActor ! PingFromZio(self)
} yield (state, ())
case _=> IO.fail(new Exception("fail"))
Akka actors (Creation akka actors), need a behavior, to define the messages to be handled, in this case send and receive messages to zio actor:
object TestBehavior {
lazy val zioRuntime = Runtime.default
def apply(): Behavior[TypedMessage[_]] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage { message =>
message match {
case PingToZio(zioReplyToActor, msgToZio) => zioRuntime.unsafeRun(zioReplyToActor ! PongFromAkka(msgToZio))
case PingFromZio(zioSenderActor) => zioRuntime.unsafeRun(zioSenderActor ! PongFromAkka("Pong from Akka"))
We are ready to start sending messages from zio to akka, or vice versa via fire-and-forget
interaction pattern,
but first we need to create a ZIO value with the created akka ActorRef(or ActorSystem), using AkkaTypedActor.make
for {
akkaSystem <- IO(typed.ActorSystem(TestBehavior(), "akkaSystem"))
system <- ActorSystem("zioSystem")
akkaActor <- AkkaTypedActor.make(akkaSystem)
zioActor <- system.make("zioActor", Supervisor.none, "", handler)
_ <- akkaActor ! PingToZio(zioActor, "Ping from Akka")
_ <- zioActor ! Ping(akkaActor)
} yield ()
There's also ask
interaction pattern, that provides a way to send a message to an akka actor and expect a response.
It's performed via ?
method, and needs a parameter of type typed.ActorRef[R] => T
represents the response type,
is the message type), with implicit values for akka.util.Timeout
and akka.actor.typed.Scheduler
sealed trait AskMessage[+_]
case class PingAsk(value: Int, replyTo: typed.ActorRef[Int]) extends AskMessage[Int]
object AskTestBehavior {
def apply(): Behavior[AskMessage[_]] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage { message =>
message match {
case PingAsk(value, replyTo) => replyTo ! (value * 2)
def PingAskDeferred(value: Int): typed.ActorRef[Int] => PingAsk
= (hiddenRef: typed.ActorRef[Int]) => PingAsk(value, hiddenRef)
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 3.seconds
for {
akkaAskSystem <- IO(typed.ActorSystem(AskTestBehavior(), "akkaSystem"))
akkaActor <- AkkaTypedActor.make(akkaAskSystem)
result <- (akkaActor ? PingAskDeferred(1000)) (timeout, akkaAskSystem.scheduler)
} yield result == 2000