Using ConfigDescriptor for Read, Write, Document and Report
Using Config Descriptor
Given a single ConfigDescriptor we can use it to:
- Get Readers that can read config from various sources
- Get Writer that can write config back
- Document the config
- Create report on the config
Reader from Config Descriptor
You should be familiar with reading config from various sources, given a config descriptor.
import zio.IO
import zio.config._, ConfigDescriptor._, PropertyTree._
case class MyConfig(ldap: String, port: Int, dburl: String)
To not divert our focus on handling Either (only for explanation purpose), we will use the below syntax troughout the code
implicit class EitherImpureOps[A, B](self: Either[A, B]) {
def getOrThrow: B =
self.fold(a => throw new Exception(a.toString), identity)
To perform any action using zio-config, we need a configuration description. Let's define a simple one.
val myConfig =
(string("LDAP") |@| int("PORT")|@| string("DB_URL"))(MyConfig.apply, MyConfig.unapply)
read(myConfig from ConfigSource.fromMap(Map()))
Writer from config descriptor
Let's use read
and get the result. Using the same result, we will write the config back to the source!
import zio.Runtime
case class Database(url: String, port: Int)
case class AwsConfig(c1: Database, c2: Database, c3: String)
val database =
(string("connection") |@| int("port"))(Database.apply, Database.unapply)
val map =
"south.connection" -> "",
"south.port" -> "8111",
"east.connection" -> "",
"east.port" -> "8888",
"appName" -> "myApp"
val appConfig =
(((nested("south") { database } ?? "South details" |@|
nested("east") { database } ?? "East details" |@|
string("appName"))(AwsConfig, AwsConfig.unapply)) ?? "asdf"
) from ConfigSource.fromMap(map, keyDelimiter = Some('.'))
val awsConfigResult =
// yields AwsConfig(Database(, 8111), Database(, 8888), myApp)
Writing the config back to property tree
import zio.config.PropertyTree._
val written: PropertyTree[String, String] =
write(appConfig, awsConfigResult).getOrThrow
"south" -> Record(Map("connection" -> Leaf(""), "port" -> Leaf("8111"))),
"east" -> Record(Map("connection" -> Leaf(""), "port" -> Leaf("8888"))),
"appName" -> Leaf("myApp")
Writing the config back to a Map
// To yield the input map that was fed in, call `flattenString` !!
// yields
"south.connection" -> "",
"south.port" -> "8111",
"east.connection" -> "",
"east.port" -> "8888",
"appName" -> "myApp"
Writing the config back to a Typesafe Hocon
import zio.config.typesafe._
// yields
// SimpleConfigObject({"appName":"myApp","east":{"connection":"","port":"8888"},"south":{"connection":"","port":"8111"}})
Writing the config back to a Typesafe Hocon String
Once we get SimpleConfigObject
(i.e, from toHocon
), rendering them is straight forward, as typesafe-config library
provides us with an exhaustive combinations of rendering options.
However, we thought we will provide a few helper functions which is a simple delegation to typesafe functionalities.
import zio.config.typesafe._
* yieling :
* {{{
* appName=myApp
* east {
* connection=""
* port="8888"
* }
* south {
* connection=""
* port="8111"
* }
* }}}
Writing the config back to JSON
Once we get SimpleConfigObject
(i.e, from toHocon
), rendering them is straight forward, as typesafe-config library
provides us with an exhaustive combinations of rendering options.
However, we thought we will provide a few helper functions which is a simple delegation to typesafe functionalities.
* yieling :
* {{{
* "appName" : "myApp"
* "east" : {
* "connection" : ""
* "port" : "8888"
* }
* "south" : {
* "connection" : ""
* "port" : "8111"
* }
* }}}
Generating a random Config using zio.config.gen
import zio.config.magnolia._, zio.config.gen._
object RandomConfigGenerationSimpleExample extends App {
sealed trait Region
case object ApSouthEast2 extends Region
case object UsEast extends Region
case class UsernameRegion(username: String, region: Region)
// yields for example
// Chunk(
// {
// "region" : "ap-southeast-2",
// "username" : "eU2KlfATwYZ5s0Y"
// }
// )
Refer to RandomConfigGenerationComplexExample.scala for more complex scenarios, and know how zio.config.gen can be helpful for users.
Document the config
To generate the documentation of the config, call generateDocs
import zio.config.ConfigDocs
val generatedDocs = generateDocs(appConfig)
// as markdown
val markdown =
// produces the following markdown
|FieldName |Format |Description |Sources |
|--- |--- |--- |--- |
|appName |primitive |value of type string, asdf|constant|
|[east](#east) |[all-of](#east) | | |
|[south](#south)|[all-of](#south)| | |
### east
|FieldName |Format |Description |Sources |
|--- |--- |--- |--- |
|port |primitive|value of type int, East details, asdf |constant|
|connection|primitive|value of type string, East details, asdf|constant|
### south
|FieldName |Format |Description |Sources |
|--- |--- |--- |--- |
|port |primitive|value of type int, South details, asdf |constant|
|connection|primitive|value of type string, South details, asdf|constant|
In the above markdown
is a standard markdown format string, rendered as:
FieldName | Format | Description | Sources |
appName | primitive | value of type string, asdf | constant |
east | all-of | ||
south | all-of |
FieldName | Format | Description | Sources |
port | primitive | value of type int, East details, asdf | constant |
connection | primitive | value of type string, East details, asdf | constant |
FieldName | Format | Description | Sources |
port | primitive | value of type int, South details, asdf | constant |
connection | primitive | value of type string, South details, asdf | constant |
Report on the config
Calling generateDocs
can give some documentation (man page).
But most often, we need these docs to act as a report that holds the value of the actual config parameter
along with the rest of the details.
generateReport(appConfig, AwsConfig(Database("", 8111), Database("", 8888), "myApp"))
// yields a report
Pretty print will be coming soon!