


package opticsm

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. opticsm
  2. OpticTypesModule
  3. OpticResultModule
  4. OpticModule
  5. OpticFailureModule
  6. OpticComposeModule
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait LowPriorityOpticCompose extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  2. trait OpticCompose[GetWhole, SetWholeBefore, SetWholeBefore1, SetWholeBefore2, GetError, SetError, SetError1, GetPiece] extends AnyRef

    OpticCompose abstracts over the different ways that optics can be composed together, allowing all optics to be composed with a single operator.

    OpticCompose abstracts over the different ways that optics can be composed together, allowing all optics to be composed with a single operator.

    Definition Classes
  3. case class OpticFailure(message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    An OpticFailure describes how getting or setting a piece of a whole using an optic failed.

    An OpticFailure describes how getting or setting a piece of a whole using an optic failed.

    Definition Classes
  4. case class Optic[-GetWhole, -SetWholeBefore, -SetPiece, +GetError, +SetError, +GetPiece, +SetWholeAfter](getOptic: (GetWhole) => (OpticModule.this)#OpticResult[(GetError, SetWholeAfter), GetPiece], setOptic: (SetPiece) => (SetWholeBefore) => (OpticModule.this)#OpticResult[(SetError, SetWholeAfter), SetWholeAfter]) extends Product with Serializable

    An Optic is able to get and set a piece of a whole, possibly failing.

    An Optic is able to get and set a piece of a whole, possibly failing. In the most general possible case the get and set types are distinct and getting may fail with a different error than setting.

    Definition Classes
  5. implicit class AtZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB >: OpticFailure, A] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the specified index of a chunk in a ZRefM.

  6. implicit class ConsZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA, EB >: OpticFailure, A] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the :: case of a List in a ZRefM.

  7. type EOptic[-GetWhole, -SetWholeBefore, -SetPiece, +Error, +GetPiece, +SetWholeAfter] = Optic[GetWhole, SetWholeBefore, SetPiece, Error, Error, GetPiece, SetWholeAfter]
    Definition Classes
  8. implicit class ERefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB, A, B] extends AnyRef

    Providing implicit syntax for accessing pieces of a value in a ZRefM when the error types are unified.

  9. implicit class FilterZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB >: OpticFailure, A] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing a filtered subset of a chunk in a ZRefM.

  10. implicit class FirstZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB, A, B, C] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the first element of a tuple in a ZRefM.

  11. type Fold[-S, +A] = Optic[S, Nothing, Nothing, OpticFailure, Any, Chunk[A], Any]
    Definition Classes
  12. type Getter[-S, +A] = Optic[S, Nothing, Nothing, OpticFailure, Any, A, Any]
    Definition Classes
  13. implicit class HeadZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB >: OpticFailure, A] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the head of a list in a ZRefM.

  14. type Iso[S, A] = Optic[S, Any, A, Nothing, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  15. type IsoPartiallyApplied[+S, A] = Optic[Any, Any, A, Nothing, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  16. implicit class KeyZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB >: OpticFailure, K, V] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the value at the specified key in a map in a ZRefM.

  17. implicit class LeftZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA, EB >: OpticFailure, A, B, C] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the Left case of an Either in a ZRefM.

  18. type Lens[S, A] = Optic[S, S, A, Nothing, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  19. type LensPartiallyApplied[+S, A] = Optic[Any, Any, A, Nothing, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  20. implicit class NoneZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA, EB >: OpticFailure, A] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the None case of an Option in a ZRefM.

  21. type OpticPartiallyApplied[-SetPiece, +GetError, +SetError, +GetPiece, +SetWhole] = Optic[Any, Any, SetPiece, GetError, SetError, GetPiece, SetWhole]
    Definition Classes
  22. abstract type OpticResult[+E, +A]

    An OpticResult represents the result from getting or setting a piece of a whole using an optic.

    An OpticResult represents the result from getting or setting a piece of a whole using an optic. This allows the library to abstract over pure optics, transactional optics, and effectual optics.

    Definition Classes
  23. type Optional[S, A] = Optic[S, S, A, OpticFailure, OpticFailure, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  24. type OptionalPartiallyApplied[+S, A] = Optic[Any, Any, A, OpticFailure, OpticFailure, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  25. type Prism[S, A] = Optic[S, Any, A, OpticFailure, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  26. type PrismPartiallyApplied[+S, A] = Optic[Any, Any, A, OpticFailure, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  27. implicit class RightZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA, EB >: OpticFailure, A, B, C] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the Right case of an Either in a ZRefM.

  28. implicit class SecondZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB, A, B, C] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the second element of a tuple in a ZRefM.

  29. type Setter[S, -A] = Optic[Nothing, S, A, Any, OpticFailure, Any, S]
    Definition Classes
  30. implicit class SliceZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB >: OpticFailure, A] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing a slice of a chunk in a ZRefM.

  31. implicit class SomeZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA, EB >: OpticFailure, A, B] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the Some case of an Option in a ZRefM.

  32. implicit class TailZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA >: EB, EB >: OpticFailure, A] extends AnyRef

    Provides implicit syntax for accessing the tail of a list in a ZRefM.

  33. type Traversal[S, A] = Optic[S, S, Chunk[A], OpticFailure, OpticFailure, Chunk[A], S]
    Definition Classes
  34. type TraversalPartiallyApplied[+S, A] = Optic[Any, Any, Chunk[A], OpticFailure, OpticFailure, Chunk[A], S]
    Definition Classes
  35. type ZIso[-S, +T, +A, -B] = Optic[S, Any, B, Nothing, Nothing, A, T]
    Definition Classes
  36. type ZIsoPartiallyApplied[+S, +A, -B] = Optic[Any, Any, B, Nothing, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  37. type ZLens[-S, +T, +A, -B] = Optic[S, S, B, Nothing, Nothing, A, T]
    Definition Classes
  38. type ZLensPartiallyApplied[+S, +A, -B] = Optic[Any, Any, B, Nothing, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  39. type ZOptional[-S, +T, +A, -B] = Optic[S, S, B, OpticFailure, OpticFailure, A, T]
    Definition Classes
  40. type ZOptionalPartiallyApplied[+S, +A, -B] = Optic[Any, Any, B, OpticFailure, OpticFailure, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  41. type ZPrism[-S, +T, +A, -B] = Optic[S, Any, B, OpticFailure, Nothing, A, T]
    Definition Classes
  42. type ZPrismPartiallyApplied[+S, +A, -B] = Optic[Any, Any, B, OpticFailure, Nothing, A, S]
    Definition Classes
  43. implicit class ZRefMSyntax[RA, RB, EA, EB, A, B] extends AnyRef

    Providing implicit syntax for accessing pieces of a value in a ZRefM.

  44. type ZSetter[-S, +T, -A] = Optic[Nothing, S, A, Any, OpticFailure, Any, T]
    Definition Classes
  45. type ZTraversal[-S, +T, +A, -B] = Optic[S, S, Chunk[B], OpticFailure, OpticFailure, Chunk[A], T]
    Definition Classes
  46. type ZTraversalPartiallyApplied[+S, +A, -B] = Optic[Any, Any, Chunk[B], OpticFailure, OpticFailure, Chunk[A], S]
    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def fail[E](e: E): opticsm.OpticResult[E, Nothing]

    Constructs an optic result that fails with the specified value.

    Constructs an optic result that fails with the specified value.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def flatMap[E, A, B](opticResult: opticsm.OpticResult[E, A])(f: (A) => opticsm.OpticResult[E, B]): opticsm.OpticResult[E, B]

    Constructs an optic result by applying a function that returns an optic result to the success value of the specified optic result.

    Constructs an optic result by applying a function that returns an optic result to the success value of the specified optic result.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def foldM[E, E2, A, B](opticResult: opticsm.OpticResult[E, A])(f: (E) => opticsm.OpticResult[E2, B], g: (A) => opticsm.OpticResult[E2, B]): opticsm.OpticResult[E2, B]

    Constructs an optic results that folds over the success and failure values of the specified optic result, transforming them with the functions f and g that return an optic result.

    Constructs an optic results that folds over the success and failure values of the specified optic result, transforming them with the functions f and g that return an optic result.

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def map[E, A, B](opticResult: opticsm.OpticResult[E, A])(f: (A) => B): opticsm.OpticResult[E, B]

    Constructs an optic result by applying a function to the success value of this optic result.

    Constructs an optic result by applying a function to the success value of this optic result.

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def succeed[A](a: A): opticsm.OpticResult[Nothing, A]

    Constructs an optic result that succeeds with the specified value.

    Constructs an optic result that succeeds with the specified value.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. object OpticCompose extends (OpticComposeModule.this)#LowPriorityOpticCompose
    Definition Classes
  2. object Optic extends Serializable
    Definition Classes
  3. object Iso
    Definition Classes
  4. object Lens
    Definition Classes
  5. object Optional
    Definition Classes
  6. object Prism
    Definition Classes
  7. object Traversal
    Definition Classes
  8. object ZIso
    Definition Classes
  9. object ZLens
    Definition Classes
  10. object ZOptional
    Definition Classes
  11. object ZPrism
    Definition Classes
  12. object ZTraversal
    Definition Classes
  13. final def collectAllSuccesses[E, A](iterable: Iterable[opticsm.OpticResult[E, A]]): opticsm.OpticResult[Nothing, Chunk[A]]

    Constructs an optic result that succeeds with all the success values in the specified collection of optic results, discarding the failures.

    Constructs an optic result that succeeds with all the success values in the specified collection of optic results, discarding the failures.

    Definition Classes
  14. final def foreach[E, A, B](iterable: Iterable[A])(f: (A) => opticsm.OpticResult[E, B]): opticsm.OpticResult[E, Chunk[B]]

    Constructs an optic result that applies a function returning an optic result to each element in the specified collection and collects the results into a single optic result.

    Constructs an optic result that applies a function returning an optic result to each element in the specified collection and collects the results into a single optic result.

    Definition Classes
  15. final def mapError[E, E2, A](opticResult: opticsm.OpticResult[E, A])(f: (E) => E2): opticsm.OpticResult[E2, A]

    Constructs an optic result by applying a function to the failure value of this optic result.

    Constructs an optic result by applying a function to the failure value of this optic result.

    Definition Classes
  16. final def orElse[E, E2, A](left: => opticsm.OpticResult[E, A], right: => opticsm.OpticResult[E2, A]): opticsm.OpticResult[E2, A]

    Constructs an optic result that is equal to the left optic result if it is successful or else the right optic result.

    Constructs an optic result that is equal to the left optic result if it is successful or else the right optic result.

    Definition Classes
  17. final def zip[E, A, B](left: => opticsm.OpticResult[E, A], right: => opticsm.OpticResult[E, B]): opticsm.OpticResult[E, (A, B)]

    Constructs an optic result that combines the left and right optic results.

    Constructs an optic result that combines the left and right optic results.

    Definition Classes
  18. final def zipWith[E, A, B, C](left: => opticsm.OpticResult[E, A], right: => opticsm.OpticResult[E, B])(f: (A, B) => C): opticsm.OpticResult[E, C]

    Constructs an optic result that combines the left and right optic results, transforming their success values with the specified function.

    Constructs an optic result that combines the left and right optic results, transforming their success values with the specified function.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from OpticTypesModule

Inherited from OpticResultModule

Inherited from OpticModule

Inherited from OpticFailureModule

Inherited from OpticComposeModule

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
