


package parser

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. parser
  2. ImplicitTupleConversion
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package internal
  2. package target

Type Members

  1. implicit final class AnyParserOps[Err, In] extends AnyVal
  2. implicit final class AnySyntaxOps[Err, In, Out] extends AnyVal
  3. trait ImplicitTupleConversion extends AnyRef
  4. sealed trait Parser[+Err, -In, +Result] extends AnyRef

    A Parser consumes a stream of 'In's and either fails with a ParserError possibly holding a custom error of type 'Err' or succeeds with a result of type Result

    A Parser consumes a stream of 'In's and either fails with a ParserError possibly holding a custom error of type 'Err' or succeeds with a result of type Result

    Parsers can be combined with Printers to get Syntax, or a Parser and a Printer can be built simultaneously by using the combinators of Syntax.

    Recursive parsers can be expressed directly by recursing in one of the zipping or or-else combinators.

    By default a parser backtracks automatically. This behavior can be changed with the 'manualBacktracking' operator.

    Parsers trees get optimized automatically before running the parser. This optimized tree can be examined by the 'optimized' field. For the full list of transformations performed in the optimization phase check each parser node's 'optimizeNode' method.


    Custom error type


    Element type of the input stream of parsing


    The type of the parsed result value

  5. sealed trait ParserImplementation extends AnyRef

    The available parser implementations

    The available parser implementations

    The default parser implementation is Recursive. There is an alternative implementation available which is stack-safe but slower.

  6. implicit final class ParserOps[Err, In, Value] extends AnyVal
  7. sealed trait Printer[+Err, +Out, -Value] extends AnyRef

    A Printer takes a value of type 'Value' and either produces a stream of 'Out' elements and a result value of type 'Result', or fails with a custom error of type 'Err'.

    A Printer takes a value of type 'Value' and either produces a stream of 'Out' elements and a result value of type 'Result', or fails with a custom error of type 'Err'.

    Parsers can be combined with Printers to get Syntax, or a Parser and a Printer can be built simultaneously by using the combinators of Syntax.


    Custom error type


    Element type of the output stream of printing


    The type of the value to be printed

  8. implicit final class PrinterOps[Err, Out, Value] extends AnyVal
  9. sealed trait Regex extends AnyRef

    A model of a regular expression.

  10. implicit final class StringErrSyntaxOps[In, Out, Value] extends AnyVal
  11. class Syntax[+Err, -In, +Out, Value] extends AnyRef

    Syntax defines a parser and a printer together and provides combinators to simultaneously build them up from smaller syntax fragments.

    Syntax defines a parser and a printer together and provides combinators to simultaneously build them up from smaller syntax fragments.


    Custom error type


    Element type of the input stream of parsing


    Element type of the output stream of printing


    The type of the value to be parsed or printed

  12. trait SyntaxCompanionVersionSpecific extends AnyRef
  13. implicit class SyntaxOps[Err, In, Out, Value] extends AnyRef
  14. trait TupleConversion[A, B] extends AnyRef
  15. implicit final class TupleParserOps[Err, In, Result] extends AnyVal
  16. implicit class TuplePrinterOps[Err, Out, Value <: Product] extends AnyRef
  17. implicit final class UnitPrinterOps[Err, Out] extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. implicit macro def autoTupleConversion[P <: Product, T]: TupleConversion[P, T]
    Definition Classes
  2. def autoTupleConversion1[P, A](implicit ev: TupleConversion[P, (A)]): TupleConversion[P, A]
    Definition Classes
  3. case object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  4. object Parser
  5. object ParserImplementation
  6. object Printer
  7. object Regex
  8. object Syntax extends SyntaxCompanionVersionSpecific
  9. object TupleConversion

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
