
final case class Success[+W, +A](log: Chunk[W], value: A) extends ZValidation[W, Nothing, A] with Product with Serializable

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Success
  2. Serializable
  3. Product
  4. Equals
  5. ZValidation
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new Success(log: Chunk[W], value: A)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def &>[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, B]): ZValidation[W1, E1, B]

    A symbolic alias for zipParRight.

    A symbolic alias for zipParRight.

    Definition Classes
  4. final def <&[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, B]): ZValidation[W1, E1, A]

    A symbolic alias for zipParLeft.

    A symbolic alias for zipParLeft.

    Definition Classes
  5. final def <&>[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, B]): ZValidation[W1, E1, (A, B)]

    A symbolic alias for zipPar.

    A symbolic alias for zipPar.

    Definition Classes
  6. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  7. final def ??[W1 >: W](w1: W1): ZValidation[W1, Nothing, A]

    A symbolic alias for log.

    A symbolic alias for log.

    Definition Classes
  8. final def as[B](b: B): ZValidation[W, Nothing, B]

    Maps the successful value of this ZValidation to the specified constant value.

    Maps the successful value of this ZValidation to the specified constant value.

    Definition Classes
  9. final def asError[E2](e: E2): ZValidation[W, E2, A]

    Maps the error value of this ZValidation to the specified constant value.

    Maps the error value of this ZValidation to the specified constant value.

    Definition Classes
  10. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  11. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  12. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  13. final def equals(that: Any): Boolean

    Returns whether this ZValidation and the specified ZValidation are equal to each other.

    Returns whether this ZValidation and the specified ZValidation are equal to each other.

    Definition Classes
    ZValidation → AnyRef → Any
  14. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  15. final def flatMap[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B](f: (A) => ZValidation[W1, E1, B]): ZValidation[W1, E1, B]

    Transforms the value of this ZValidation with the specified validation function if it is a success or returns the value unchanged otherwise.

    Transforms the value of this ZValidation with the specified validation function if it is a success or returns the value unchanged otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  16. final def flatten[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B](implicit ev1: <:<[A, ZValidation[W1, E1, B]]): ZValidation[W1, E1, B]

    Returns a ZValidation that is this ZValidation if failing or the inner ZValidation if the outer one succeeds.

    Returns a ZValidation that is this ZValidation if failing or the inner ZValidation if the outer one succeeds. In particular, the sequential aspect of this combinator precludes combining error values of outer and inner ZValidations. This method can be used to "flatten" nested ZValidation.

    Definition Classes
  17. final def fold[B](failure: (NonEmptyChunk[Nothing]) => B, success: (A) => B): B

    Folds over the error and success values of this ZValidation.

    Folds over the error and success values of this ZValidation.

    Definition Classes
  18. final def forEach[F[+_], B](f: (A) => F[B])(implicit arg0: IdentityBoth[F], arg1: Covariant[F]): F[ZValidation[W, Nothing, B]]

    Transforms the value of this ZValidation with the specified effectual function if it is a success or returns the value unchanged otherwise.

    Transforms the value of this ZValidation with the specified effectual function if it is a success or returns the value unchanged otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  19. final def get(implicit ev: <:<[Nothing, Nothing]): A

    Returns the value, because no error has occurred.

    Returns the value, because no error has occurred.

    Definition Classes
  20. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  21. final def getLog: Chunk[W]

    Returns the value of the log.

    Returns the value of the log.

    Definition Classes
  22. final def getOrElse[A1 >: A](fallback: => A1): A1

    Returns the value, if successful, or the provided fallback value.

    Returns the value, if successful, or the provided fallback value.

    Definition Classes
  23. final def getOrElseWith[A1 >: A](f: (NonEmptyChunk[Nothing]) => A1): A1

    Returns the successful value or handles the errors that have accumulated.

    Returns the successful value or handles the errors that have accumulated.

    Definition Classes
  24. final def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    ZValidation → AnyRef → Any
  25. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  26. final def log[W1 >: W](w1: W1): ZValidation[W1, Nothing, A]

    Writes an entry to the log.

    Writes an entry to the log.

    Definition Classes
  27. val log: Chunk[W]
  28. final def map[B](f: (A) => B): ZValidation[W, Nothing, B]

    Transforms the successful value of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Transforms the successful value of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Definition Classes
  29. final def mapError[E2](f: (Nothing) => E2): ZValidation[W, E2, A]

    Transforms the error value of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Transforms the error value of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Definition Classes
  30. final def mapErrorAll[E2](f: (NonEmptyChunk[Nothing]) => NonEmptyChunk[E2]): ZValidation[W, E2, A]

    Transforms all the error values of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Transforms all the error values of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Definition Classes
  31. final def mapLog[W2](f: (W) => W2): ZValidation[W2, Nothing, A]

    Transforms the log entries of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Transforms the log entries of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Definition Classes
  32. final def mapLogAll[W2](f: (Chunk[W]) => Chunk[W2]): ZValidation[W2, Nothing, A]

    Transforms all the log entries of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Transforms all the log entries of this ZValidation with the specified function.

    Definition Classes
  33. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  34. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  35. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  36. final def orElse[W1 >: W, E1, A1 >: A](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, A1]): ZValidation[W1, E1, A1]
    Definition Classes
  37. final def orElseLog[W1 >: W, E1, A1 >: A](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, A1])(implicit ev: <:<[Nothing, W1]): ZValidation[W1, E1, A1]
    Definition Classes
  38. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  39. final def runLog[B]: (Chunk[W], Either[NonEmptyChunk[Nothing], A])

    Exposes the result of this validation function as either a Right with a success of type A or a Left with one or more errors of type E, along with the log.

    Exposes the result of this validation function as either a Right with a success of type A or a Left with one or more errors of type E, along with the log.

    Definition Classes
  40. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  41. final def toEither: Either[NonEmptyChunk[Nothing], A]

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Either, discarding the log.

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Either, discarding the log.

    Definition Classes
  42. final def toEitherAssociative[E1 >: Nothing](implicit A: Associative[E1]): Either[E1, A]

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Either, aggregating errors using provided Associative instance, discarding the log.

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Either, aggregating errors using provided Associative instance, discarding the log.

    Definition Classes
  43. final def toEitherMultiSet: Either[NonEmptyMultiSet[Nothing], A]

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Either, discarding the order in which the errors occurred and discarding the log.

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Either, discarding the order in which the errors occurred and discarding the log.

    Definition Classes
  44. final def toEitherWith[E2](f: (NonEmptyChunk[Nothing]) => E2): Either[E2, A]

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Either, transforming the accumulated errors and discarding the log.

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Either, transforming the accumulated errors and discarding the log.

    Definition Classes
  45. final def toOption: Option[A]

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Option, discarding information about the errors and log.

    Transforms this ZValidation to an Option, discarding information about the errors and log.

    Definition Classes
  46. final def toTry(implicit ev: <:<[Nothing, Throwable]): Try[A]

    Transforms this ZValidation to a Try, discarding all but the first error and the log.

    Transforms this ZValidation to a Try, discarding all but the first error and the log.

    Definition Classes
  47. final def toZIO: IO[Nothing, A]

    Converts this ZValidation into a ZIO effect, discarding the log.

    Converts this ZValidation into a ZIO effect, discarding the log.

    Definition Classes
  48. final def toZIOAssociative[E1 >: Nothing](implicit A: Associative[E1]): IO[E1, A]

    Transforms this ZValidation to an ZIO effect, aggregating errors using provided Associative instance, discarding the log.

    Transforms this ZValidation to an ZIO effect, aggregating errors using provided Associative instance, discarding the log.

    Definition Classes
  49. val value: A
  50. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  51. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  52. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  53. final def zipPar[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, B]): ZValidation[W1, E1, (A, B)]

    Combines this ZValidation with the specified ZValidation, returning a tuple of their results.

    Combines this ZValidation with the specified ZValidation, returning a tuple of their results. Returns either the combined result if both were successes or otherwise returns a failure with all errors.

    Definition Classes
  54. final def zipParLeft[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, B]): ZValidation[W1, E1, A]

    A variant of zipPar that keeps only the left success value, but returns a failure with all errors if either this ZValidation or the specified ZValidation fail.

    A variant of zipPar that keeps only the left success value, but returns a failure with all errors if either this ZValidation or the specified ZValidation fail.

    Definition Classes
  55. final def zipParRight[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, B]): ZValidation[W1, E1, B]

    A variant of zipPar that keeps only the right success value, but returns a failure with all errors if either this ZValidation or the specified ZValidation fail.

    A variant of zipPar that keeps only the right success value, but returns a failure with all errors if either this ZValidation or the specified ZValidation fail.

    Definition Classes
  56. final def zipWithPar[W1 >: W, E1 >: Nothing, B, C](that: ZValidation[W1, E1, B])(f: (A, B) => C): ZValidation[W1, E1, C]

    Combines this ZValidation with the specified ZValidation, using the function f to combine their success values.

    Combines this ZValidation with the specified ZValidation, using the function f to combine their success values. Returns either the combined result if both were successes or otherwise returns a failure with all errors.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from ZValidation[W, Nothing, A]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
