Batching and Parallelisation
Auto Batching
ZIO-DynamoDB will automatically batch requests for you if they are batchable and if they are zipped together.
Batch Get
The example below shows multiple get requests being zipped together. ZIO-DynamoDB will group these three get requests into a single BatchGetItem request instead of submitting multiple individual GetItem requests.
import zio.dynamodb._
val tableName = TableName("T1")
val tableName2 = TableName("T2")
val primaryKeyT1 = PrimaryKey("k1" -> "v1")
val primaryKeyT1_2 = PrimaryKey("k1" -> "v2")
val primaryKeyT2 = PrimaryKey("k2" -> "v2")
val getItemT1 = GetItem(key = primaryKeyT1, tableName = tableName)
val getItemT1_2 = GetItem(key = primaryKeyT1_2, tableName = tableName)
val getItemT2 = GetItem(key = primaryKeyT2, tableName = tableName2)
val itemT1: Item = getItemT1.key
val itemT1_2: Item = getItemT1_2.key
val itemT2: Item = getItemT2.key
for {
result <- (getItemT1 zip getItemT1_2 zip getItemT2).execute
expected = (Some(itemT1), Some(itemT1_2), Some(itemT2))
} yield assert(result)(equalTo(expected))
During execution the individual GetItem
s are grouped together into a single BatchGetItem
. The response is then broken up to match the structure of your original requests in the form of a tuple.
Batch Write
Writes can also be batched together according to AWS's docs. Only Put
s and Delete
s can be batched into a single BatchWriteItem
def putAndDelete(): ZIO[DynamoDBExecutor, Throwable, (Unit, Unit)] = {
val putItem = PutItem(tableName = tableName3, item = primaryKeyT3_2)
val deleteItem = DeleteItem(tableName = tableName1, key = primaryKeyT1)
for {
result <- (putItem zip deleteItem).execute
} yield result