ZIO-DynamoDB is a library that is used for type-safe, efficient, and boilerplate free access to AWS's DynamoDB service. It provides a type-safe API for many query types and the number of type-safe APIs is expanding.
Getting Started
Add the dependency to your build.sbt file
libraryDependencies += "dev.zio" %% "zio-dynamodb" % <version>
Read & write data to/from DynamoDB
import zio._
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.schema.{ DeriveSchema, Schema }
import zio.dynamodb._
import zio.dynamodb.DynamoDBQuery._
import io.github.vigoo.zioaws.dynamodb
import io.github.vigoo.zioaws.dynamodb.DynamoDb
import io.github.vigoo.zioaws.core.config
import io.github.vigoo.zioaws.http4s
final case class Student(email: String, subject: String)
object Student {
implicit lazy val schema: Schema[Student] = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
object Main extends App {
private val liveDynamoDbLayer: ZLayer[Any, Throwable, DynamoDb] =
http4s.default >>> config.default >>> dynamodb.live
// Assuming table "student" exists with email as HASH key and subject as the RANGE key
val avi = Student("avi@gmail.com", "maths")
val adam = Student("adam@gmail.com", "english")
def run(args: List[String]) = {
(for {
_ <- (put[Student]("student", avi) zip put[Student]("student", adam)).execute
listOfStudentsOrError <- forEach(List(avi, adam)) { student =>
PrimaryKey("email" -> student.email, "subject" -> student.subject)
} yield ())
.provideLayer((liveDynamoDbLayer ++ Clock.live) >>> DynamoDBExecutor.live)
There are also a large number of examples in the repository that cover a number of more complex queries and use cases.