Using Streams to Read or Write
There are a pair of APIs to read or write large streams of data to/from DynamoDB. These APIs are provided to avoid exceeding the maximum limit of 25 items in batch get/write requests. Zipping over 25 requests together into a single BatchGetItem
will result in a runtime error from AWS. In the event that you need to make a large number of requests you should use these streaming methods which will group your requests into chunks of 25 items and batch those.
final case class Person(id: Int, name: String)
object Person {
implicit val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]
private val personStream: UStream[Person] =
ZStream.fromIterable(1 to 20).map(i => Person(i, s"name$i"))
def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] =
(for {
// write to DB using the stream as the source of the data to write
// write queries will automatically be batched using BatchWriteItem when calling DynamoDB
_ <- batchWriteFromStream(personStream) { person =>
putItem("person", Item("id" ->, "name" ->
// read from the DB using the stream as the source of the primary key
// read queries will automatically be batched using BatchGetItem when calling DynamoDB
_ <- batchReadItemFromStream[Console, Person]("person", personStream)(person => PrimaryKey("id" ->
.mapMPar(4)(item => putStrLn(s"item=$item"))
// same again but use Schema derived codecs to convert an Item to a Person
_ <- batchReadFromStream[Console, Person]("person", personStream)(person => PrimaryKey("id" ->
.mapMPar(4)(person => putStrLn(s"person=$person"))
} yield ()).provideCustomLayer(DynamoDBExecutor.test).exitCode