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CORS Handling

import zio.http._
import zio.http.Server
import zio._

object HelloWorldWithCORS extends App {
// Create CORS configuration
val config: CORSConfig =
CORSConfig(allowedOrigins = _ == "dev", allowedMethods = Some(Set(Method.PUT, Method.DELETE)))

// Create HTTP route with CORS enabled
val app: HttpApp[Any, Nothing] =
Http.collect[Request] {
case Method.GET -> !! / "text" => Response.text("Hello World!")
case Method.GET -> !! / "json" => Response.json("""{"greetings": "Hello World!"}""")
} @@ cors(config)

// Run it like any simple app
override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] =
Server.start(8090, app.silent).exitCode