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This section describes, ZIO HTTP Server and different configurations you can provide while creating the Server

Start a ZIO HTTP Server with default configurations

  override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] =
Server.start(8090, app.silent).exitCode

Start a ZIO HTTP Server with custom configurations.

  1. Imports required by the customised server.
    import zio.http._
    import zio.http.service.ServerChannelFactory
    import zio.http.service.{EventLoopGroup, Server}
    import zio._
    import scala.util.Try
  2. The Server can be built incrementally with a ++ each returning a new Server overriding any default configuration. (More properties are given in the Server Configurations section below.)
    private val server =
    Server.port(PORT) ++ // Setup port
    Server.maxRequestSize(8 * 1024) ++ // handle max request size of 8 KB (default 4 KB) ++ app) // Setup the Http app
  3. And then use Server.make to get a "managed" instance use it to run a server forever
    override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = {
    .use(start =>
    console.putStrLn(s"Server started on port ${start.port}")
    *> ZIO.never,
    ).provideCustomLayer( ++
    Tip : ++ Threads) is supplied as an external dependency to choose netty transport type. One can leave it as auto to let the application handle it for you. Also in you can choose number of threads based on number of available processors.

Binding Server to a socket address

One can bind server to Inet address in multiple ways, either by providing a port number or

  • If no port is provided, the default port is 8080
  • If specified port is 0, it will use a dynamically selected port.
A complete example
  • Example below shows how the server can be started in forever mode to serve HTTP requests:
import zio.http._
import zio.http.service._
import zio.http.service.ServerChannelFactory
import zio._

import scala.util.Try

object HelloWorldAdvanced extends App {
// Set a port
private val PORT = 8090

private val fooBar: HttpApp[Any, Nothing] = Http.collect[Request] {
case Method.GET -> !! / "foo" => Response.text("bar")
case Method.GET -> !! / "bar" => Response.text("foo")

private val app = Http.collectM[Request] {
case Method.GET -> !! / "random" => random.nextString(10).map(Response.text)
case Method.GET -> !! / "utc" => => Response.text(s.toString))

private val server =
Server.port(PORT) ++ // Setup port
Server.paranoidLeakDetection ++ // Paranoid leak detection (affects performance) +++ app) // Setup the Http app

override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = {
// Configure thread count using CLI
val nThreads: Int = args.headOption.flatMap(x => Try(x.toInt).toOption).getOrElse(0)

// Create a new server
.use(_ =>
// Waiting for the server to start
console.putStrLn(s"Server started on port $PORT")

// Ensures the server doesn't die after printing
*> ZIO.never,
.provideCustomLayer( ++

Server Configurations

ConfigurationPurpose and usage routes. Refer to complete example above
Server.maxRequestSize(8 * 1024)handle max request size of 8 KB (default 4 KB)
Server.port(portNum) or Server.bind(portNum)Bind server to the port, refer to examples above
Server.ssl(sslOptions)Creates a new server with ssl options. HttpsHelloWorld
Server.acceptContinueSends a 100 CONTINUE
Server.disableFlowControlRefer Netty FlowControlHandler
Server.disableLeakDetectionDisable any leak detection Refer netty's ResourceLeakDetector
Server.simpleLeakDetectionSimplistic leak detection comes with small over head. Refer netty's ResourceLeakDetector
Server.paranoidLeakDetectionComes with highest possible overhead (for testing purposes only). Refer netty's ResourceLeakDetector
Server.consolidateFlushFlushing content is done in batches. Can potentially improve performance.