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Body is a domain to model content for Request, Response and ClientRequest. ZIO HTTP uses Netty at it's core and Netty handles content as ByteBuf. Body helps you decode and encode this content into simpler, easier to use data types while creating a Request or Response.

Server-side usage of Body

On the server-side, ZIO-HTTP models content in Request and Response as Body with Body.Empty as the default value. To add content while creating a Response you can use the Response constructor.

  val res: Response = Response( body = Body.fromString("Some String"))

To add content while creating a Request for unit tests, you can use the Request constructor.

  val req: Request = Request( body = Body.fromString("Some String"))

Client-side usage of Body

On the client-side, ZIO-HTTP models content in ClientRequest as Body with Body.Empty as the default value. To add content while making a request using ZIO HTTP you can use the Client.request method.

  val actual: ZIO[EventLoopGroup with ChannelFactory, Throwable, Client.ClientResponse] = 
Client.request("https://localhost:8073/success", content = Body.fromString("Some string"))

Creating an Body

Creating an Body from a String

To create an Body that encodes a String you can use Body.fromString.

  val textHttpData: Body = Body.fromString("any string", CharsetUtil.UTF_8)

Creating an Body from a ByteBuf

To create an Body that encodes a ByteBuf you can use Body.fromByteBuf.

  val binaryByteBufHttpData: Body = Body.fromByteBuf(Unpooled.copiedBuffer("Some string", CharsetUtil.UTF_8))

Creating an Body from Chunk of Bytes

To create an Body that encodes chunk of bytes you can use Body.fromChunk.

  val chunkHttpData: Body = Body.fromChunk(Chunk.fromArray("Some Sting".getBytes(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)))

Creating an Body from a Stream

To create an Body that encodes a Stream you can use Body.fromStream.

  • Using a Stream of Bytes
  val streamHttpData: Body = Body.fromStream(ZStream.fromChunk(Chunk.fromArray("Some String".getBytes(HTTP_CHARSET))))
  • Using a Stream of String
  val streamHttpData: Body = Body.fromStream(ZStream("a", "b", "c"), CharsetUtil.UTF_8)

Creating an Body from a File

To create an Body that encodes a File you can use Body.fromFile.

  val fileHttpData: Body = Body.fromFile(new io.File(getClass.getResource("/fileName.txt").getPath))

Converting Body to ByteBuf

To convert an Body to ByteBuf you can call the toButeBuf method on it, which returns a Task[ByteBuf].

  val textHttpData: Body = Body.fromString("any string", CharsetUtil.UTF_8)
val textByteBuf: Task[ByteBuf] = textHttpData.toByteBuf