ZIO HTTP provides support for all HTTP headers (as defined in RFC2616 ) along with custom headers.
Attaching Headers to Response
On the server-side, ZIO-HTTP
is adding a collection of pre-defined headers to the response, according to the HTTP specification, additionally, users may add other headers, including custom headers.
There are multiple ways to attach headers to a response:
helper on response.val res = Response.ok.addHeader("content-length", "0")
constructors.val res = Response(
status = Status.OK,
// Setting response header
headers = Headers.contentLength(0L),
body = Body.emptyUsing
.val app = Http.ok @@ Middleware.addHeader("content-length", "0")
Reading Headers from Request
On the Server-side you can read Request headers as given below
case req @ Method.GET -> !! / "streamOrNot" =>
Detailed examples
Example below shows how the Headers could be added to a response by using
constructors and how a custom header is added toResponse
:import zio.http._
import zio.http.Server
import zio.{App, Chunk, ExitCode, URIO}
import zio.stream.ZStream
object SimpleResponseDispatcher extends App {
override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = {
// Starting the server (for more advanced startup configuration checkout `HelloWorldAdvanced`)
Server.start(8090, app.silent).exitCode
// Create a message as a Chunk[Byte]
val message = Chunk.fromArray("Hello world !\r\n".getBytes(HTTP_CHARSET))
// Use `Http.collect` to match on route
val app: HttpApp[Any, Nothing] = Http.collect[Request] {
// Simple (non-stream) based route
case Method.GET -> !! / "health" => Response.ok
// From Request(req), the headers are accessible.
case req @ Method.GET -> !! / "streamOrNot" =>
// Checking if client is able to handle streaming response
val acceptsStreaming: Boolean = req.hasHeader(HeaderNames.accept, HeaderValues.applicationOctetStream)
if (acceptsStreaming)
status = Status.OK,
// Setting response header
headers = Headers.contentLength(message.length.toLong), // adding CONTENT-LENGTH header
body = Body.fromStream(ZStream.fromChunk(message)), // Encoding content using a ZStream
else {
// Adding a custom header to Response
Response(status = Status.ACCEPTED, body = Body.fromChunk(message)).addHeader("X-MY-HEADER", "test")
}The following example shows how Headers could be added to
in theMiddleware
* Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app.
final def customAuth(
verify: Headers => Boolean,
responseHeaders: Headers = Headers.empty,
): HttpMiddleware[Any, Nothing] =
Middleware.ifThenElse[Request](req => verify(req.getHeaders))(
_ => Middleware.identity,
_ => Middleware.fromHttp(Http.status(Status.FORBIDDEN).addHeaders(responseHeaders)),
)More examples:
Adding headers to Request
ZIO-HTTP provides a simple way to add headers to a client Request
val headers = Headers.host("sports.api.decathlon.com").withAccept(HeaderValues.applicationJson)
val response = Client.request(url, headers)
Reading headers from Response
val responseHeaders: Task[Headers] = Client.request(url).map(_.headers)
Detailed examples
The sample below shows how a header could be added to a client request:
import zio.http._
import zio.http.service._
import zio._
object SimpleClientJson extends App {
val env = ChannelFactory.auto ++ EventLoopGroup.auto()
val url = "http://sports.api.decathlon.com/groups/water-aerobics"
// Construct headers
val headers = Headers.host("sports.api.decathlon.com").withAccept(HeaderValues.applicationJson)
val program = for {
// Pass headers to request
res <- Client.request(url, headers)
// List all response headers
_ <- console.putStrLn(res.headers.toList.mkString("\n"))
data <-
// Check if response contains a specified header with a specified value.
if (res.hasHeader(HeaderNames.contentType, HeaderValues.applicationJson))
_ <- console.putStrLn { data }
} yield ()
override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = program.exitCode.provideCustomLayer(env)
Headers DSL
Headers DSL provides plenty of powerful operators that can be used to add, remove, modify and verify headers. Headers APIs could be used on client, server, and middleware.
- represents an immutable collection of headers i.e. essentially a Chunk[(String, String)]
- commonly used header names.
- commonly used header values
have following type of helpers
Constructors - Provides a list of helpful methods that can create
.import zio.http._
// create a simple Accept header:
val acceptHeader: Headers = Headers.accept(HeaderValues.applicationJson)
// create a basic authentication header:
val basicAuthHeader: Headers = Headers.basicAuthorizationHeader("username", "password")Getters - Provides a list of operators that parse and extract data from the
.import zio.http._
// retrieving the value of Accept header value:
val acceptHeader: Headers = Headers.accept(HeaderValues.applicationJson)
val acceptHeaderValue: Option[CharSequence] = acceptHeader.getAccept
// retrieving a bearer token from Authorization header:
val authorizationHeader: Headers = Headers.authorization("Bearer test")
val authorizationHeaderValue: Option[String] = authorizationHeader.getBearerTokenModifiers - Provides a list of operators that modify the current
. Once modified, a new instance of the same type is returned.import zio.http._
// add Accept header:
val headers = Headers.empty
val updatedHeadersList: Headers = headers.addHeaders(Headers.accept(HeaderValues.applicationJson))
// or if you prefer the builder pattern:
// add Host header:
val moreHeaders: Headers = headers.withHost("zio-http.dream11.com")Checks - Provides a list of operators that checks if the
meet the give constraints.val contentTypeHeader: Headers = Headers.contentType(HeaderValues.applicationJson)
val isHeaderPresent: Boolean = contentTypeHeader.hasHeader(HeaderNames.contentType)
val isJsonContentType: Boolean = contentTypeHeader.hasJsonContentType