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ZIO HTTP provides support for all HTTP headers (as defined in RFC2616 ) along with custom headers.


Attaching Headers to Response

On the server-side, ZIO-HTTP is adding a collection of pre-defined headers to the response, according to the HTTP specification, additionally, users may add other headers, including custom headers.

There are multiple ways to attach headers to a response:

  • Using addHeaders helper on response.

    val res = Response.ok.addHeader("content-length", "0")
  • Through Response constructors.

    val res = Response(
    status = Status.OK,
    // Setting response header
    headers = Headers.contentLength(0L),
    body = Body.empty
  • Using Middlewares.

    val app = Http.ok @@ Middleware.addHeader("content-length", "0")

Reading Headers from Request

On the Server-side you can read Request headers as given below

 case req @ Method.GET -> !! / "streamOrNot" =>
Detailed examples
  • Example below shows how the Headers could be added to a response by using Response constructors and how a custom header is added to Response through addHeader:

    import zio.http._
    import zio.http.Server
    import zio.{App, Chunk, ExitCode, URIO}

    object SimpleResponseDispatcher extends App {
    override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = {

    // Starting the server (for more advanced startup configuration checkout `HelloWorldAdvanced`)
    Server.start(8090, app.silent).exitCode

    // Create a message as a Chunk[Byte]
    val message = Chunk.fromArray("Hello world !\r\n".getBytes(HTTP_CHARSET))
    // Use `Http.collect` to match on route
    val app: HttpApp[Any, Nothing] = Http.collect[Request] {

    // Simple (non-stream) based route
    case Method.GET -> !! / "health" => Response.ok

    // From Request(req), the headers are accessible.
    case req @ Method.GET -> !! / "streamOrNot" =>
    // Checking if client is able to handle streaming response
    val acceptsStreaming: Boolean = req.hasHeader(HeaderNames.accept, HeaderValues.applicationOctetStream)
    if (acceptsStreaming)
    status = Status.OK,
    // Setting response header
    headers = Headers.contentLength(message.length.toLong), // adding CONTENT-LENGTH header
    body = Body.fromStream(ZStream.fromChunk(message)), // Encoding content using a ZStream
    else {
    // Adding a custom header to Response
    Response(status = Status.ACCEPTED, body = Body.fromChunk(message)).addHeader("X-MY-HEADER", "test")

  • The following example shows how Headers could be added to Response in the Middleware implementation:

    * Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app.
    final def customAuth(
    verify: Headers => Boolean,
    responseHeaders: Headers = Headers.empty,
    ): HttpMiddleware[Any, Nothing] =
    Middleware.ifThenElse[Request](req => verify(req.getHeaders))(
    _ => Middleware.identity,
    _ => Middleware.fromHttp(Http.status(Status.FORBIDDEN).addHeaders(responseHeaders)),

  • More examples:


Adding headers to Request

ZIO-HTTP provides a simple way to add headers to a client Request.

val headers ="").withAccept(HeaderValues.applicationJson)
val response = Client.request(url, headers)

Reading headers from Response

val responseHeaders: Task[Headers] =  Client.request(url).map(_.headers)
Detailed examples
  • The sample below shows how a header could be added to a client request:

    import zio.http._
    import zio.http.service._
    import zio._

    object SimpleClientJson extends App {
    val env = ++
    val url = ""
    // Construct headers
    val headers ="").withAccept(HeaderValues.applicationJson)

    val program = for {
    // Pass headers to request
    res <- Client.request(url, headers)
    // List all response headers
    _ <- console.putStrLn(res.headers.toList.mkString("\n"))
    data <-
    // Check if response contains a specified header with a specified value.
    if (res.hasHeader(HeaderNames.contentType, HeaderValues.applicationJson))
    _ <- console.putStrLn { data }
    } yield ()

    override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = program.exitCode.provideCustomLayer(env)


Headers DSL

Headers DSL provides plenty of powerful operators that can be used to add, remove, modify and verify headers. Headers APIs could be used on client, server, and middleware.

zio.http.model.headers.Headers - represents an immutable collection of headers i.e. essentially a Chunk[(String, String)].

zio.http.HeaderNames - commonly used header names.

zio.http.HeaderValues - commonly used header values

Headers have following type of helpers

  • Constructors - Provides a list of helpful methods that can create Headers.

    import zio.http._

    // create a simple Accept header:
    val acceptHeader: Headers = Headers.accept(HeaderValues.applicationJson)

    // create a basic authentication header:
    val basicAuthHeader: Headers = Headers.basicAuthorizationHeader("username", "password")
  • Getters - Provides a list of operators that parse and extract data from the Headers.

    import zio.http._

    // retrieving the value of Accept header value:
    val acceptHeader: Headers = Headers.accept(HeaderValues.applicationJson)
    val acceptHeaderValue: Option[CharSequence] = acceptHeader.getAccept

    // retrieving a bearer token from Authorization header:
    val authorizationHeader: Headers = Headers.authorization("Bearer test")
    val authorizationHeaderValue: Option[String] = authorizationHeader.getBearerToken
  • Modifiers - Provides a list of operators that modify the current Headers. Once modified, a new instance of the same type is returned.

    import zio.http._

    // add Accept header:
    val headers = Headers.empty
    val updatedHeadersList: Headers = headers.addHeaders(Headers.accept(HeaderValues.applicationJson))

    // or if you prefer the builder pattern:

    // add Host header:
    val moreHeaders: Headers = headers.withHost("")

  • Checks - Provides a list of operators that checks if the Headers meet the give constraints.

    val contentTypeHeader: Headers = Headers.contentType(HeaderValues.applicationJson)
    val isHeaderPresent: Boolean = contentTypeHeader.hasHeader(HeaderNames.contentType)
    val isJsonContentType: Boolean = contentTypeHeader.hasJsonContentType